"The hardest step in learning how to dance is the first one through the door."

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Do I Need Ballroom Dance Shoes?

The answer for many, is “Yes!” If you are just starting to learn how to ballroom dance, the right shoe can make a world of a difference, especially if you are interested in learning how to ballroom dance competitively! And women, this is a perfect excuse to buy a new pair of shoes!

When purchasing ballroom dance shoes, form is almost important as function. Dance shoes should be snug, but comfortable and functional. The best way to ensure that you purchase the right pair of dance shoes, make sure you talk to your instructor.
In terms of design and construction:
  • Styles are varied upon dance categories (Cuban, Latin, Smooth)
  • Available for both Men and Women. Men’s shoes are typically black lace up oxfords with a heel that ranges anywhere between 1″ to 3″ depending on style. (Latin style shoes have a higher heel)
  • Dance shoes can either have an open or closed toe
  • Heels are typically slim or flared, and range from a 1″ to a 3″ heel.
  • They come in a variety of colors, black being a popular color. Most women however, opt for a flesh color, to help extend the leg line for competitions. (And the flesh tone of the shoe, matches a variety of clothing.)
  • Ballroom dance shoes have a non-slip sole, which is essential!
  • You want to look for suede soles because they provide the right combination of grip and slide.
  • Shoe material is flexible and lightweight!
Maintenance of your ballroom dance shoes:
  • Do not wear your ballroom dance shoes on the street! The rough surface will wear them out quickly and damage the suede sole of the shoe.
  • Most dance shoes, when purchased come with a bag in which you can properly store your shoes until you arrive for your dance lessons or dance parties.
Again, to ensure that you are purchasing the “Right” pair of dance shoes, make sure that you talk to your instructor! Here at National Dance Clubs, we sell Very Fine Dance Shoes!

{Very Fine Dance Shoes}
 Written by: K. Caron

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Silver Screen Showcase

We are pleased to announce that you are cordially invited to our first annual “Silver Screen Showcase” on October 23rd in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.  We request your attendance on this very special evening of elegance as we celebrate the magical moments of the Silver Screen. Together, we will dance to the music that made Hollywood glisten with endless possibility and undying inspiration.  The very talented, 9 Dance Champion, Sam Gordon will be the choreographer for this memorable event!
So often we are merely gazing at the stars, stagnant as we ponder the outcome of a dream. But why? Why not reach for the stars? Why can’t your moment be NOW? If you have ever dreampt about being in the spotlight, your time is indeed now. Do not hesitate to ask your instructor for more details and becoming apart of this showcase!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Your Reception

Now that you and your sweetheart have learned how to dance, don't forget about your Bridal Party! Dancing at your reception is a wonderful way to bring an air of elegance and togetherness to such a joyous occasion! 

Traditionally, although not all individually, the following people will dance together:
  • Bride and Groom
  • Father of the Bride & the Bride
  • Groom's father & the bride
  • Groom & Groom's mother
  • Bride's Parents
  • Groom's Parents
  • Best Man and Bride
  • Maid/Matron of Honor & Groom
Finally the entire wedding party, ushers, and bridesmaids will join in on the festivities! 

Special offer at National Dance Clubs!

The National Dance Clubs can arrange a Special Wedding Party Group Class, or we can individually work with the wedding party or guests before the wedding!
Our Guest Special is only $15 per person and it entitles participants to one private lesson, one Guest Group Class, and one Guest Party! For all guest 21 years or older who live in and work in the Chattanooga area and take a private lesson with one of our instructors, you will receive a *BONUS* private lesson!

{photo retrieved from: weddingbee.com}

Getting Married?

Love is a journey paved with moments that will leave you breathless…

Such as the first date; the hours of nervous anticipation that leave you spellbound by endless possibility….

The first kiss that exceeds any sort of reasonable expectation…

The moment the first “I love You’s” are whispered through nervous smiles…

When he kneels down on one knee and asks you the question you have only dreamed about…”Will you marry me?”

And on your wedding day…when he takes your hand and asks “May I have this dance?”

As a couple you will share magical moments that will forever be imprinted in your mind. Your first dance as a newlywed couple should be no different! Forget the dreaded “prom hang” and let National Dance Clubs make your dream a reality! Our trained professionals can easily choreograph some moves for your favorite song, or simply teach you how to dance for the array of songs that will be played at your reception!

Call to set up a complimentary lesson today! The sooner you start, the better! Don’t wait until a week before the wedding!


Written by: K.Caron

Friday, August 19, 2011

American vs. International

What are the differences between the two?

American style ballroom is danced primarily in the USA and is not as standardized as International. There are two categories of American:
Smooth: includes dances such as the Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, and Viennese Waltz
Rhythm:  includes dances such as the Cha Cha, Rumba, East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing, Bolero, Mambo, Samba

International style ballroom dancing is seen in competitions and is danced all over the world! Like American, there are two categories of International:
Standard: Includes the Waltz, Tango, Viennese Waltz, Slow Foxtrot, and Quick Step
Latin: Includes the Cha Cha, Samba, Rumba, Paso Doble, and Jive

Differences between American Smooth & International Standard:

International Standard focuses more on the technical aspect of dancing in a closed position. This allows couples who are dancing together to develop technical movements and the characteristics of each dance.
American Smooth is more interpretive and dancers can dance in either a closed or open position.

Differences between American Rhythm & International Latin:

International Latin is a very structured and technical. This style is very popular and is danced in competitions throughout the world!
American Rhythm is predominately danced in competitions throughout the US. Again this is a very interpretive dance that allows dancers to creatively express themselves throughout the dance.

Images retrieved from AtomicBallroom.com

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Conditioning Exercises for Ballroom Dancers

Did you know that you can exercise your way into becoming a better dancer? Although, ballroom in itself, is a wonderful way to burn calories, there are certain exercises you can do at the gym or at home that will help you build stamina, endurance, and strength ON and OFF the dance floor!
For those of you who didn't know, conditioning exercises are body movements that increase athletic skill, physical fitness, and prevent injury. By performing these simple, effective exercises, you can actually strengthen the core muscles you use when you ballroom dance!

Yoga is a wonderful way to tighten those core muscles in your abdomen and back (the same muscles you use when you ballroom dance). Looking for specific poses? Follow this link:


Jump Rope:
 Dances such as the cha cha require quick feet and endurance. Not there yet? Pick up a jump rope! Did you know that jumping rope burns about 350 calories in 30 minutes? That kind of heart-pumping activity will help build stamina which is required on the dance floor.

Arm Exercises:
Whether you are male or female, arm flexibility and strength helps you lift, twirl, extend or hold your arm positions when you are ballroom dancing. Keep them toned and strong by lifting weights! Try dumbbell presses, or bicep curls on a stability ball to increase resistance and improve your balance! Need some more ideas or a how-to guide? Check out Shape Magazine's "Best Exercises for Arms" workout below:


{Source: pinterest/exercise}

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Feeling overwhelmed? Dance away that stress! Ballroom dancing is a wonderful way to reduce stress and escape the troubles that you may be experiencing! Why? Ballroom dancing demands your attention so you won’t be worrying about paying the kids college tuition, or that new project at work! Not only will you be learning a new skill, you will be having a ton of fun!

Dancing as a means to reduce stress:
  • Due to the fact  that ballroom dancing is a physical activity, it can reduce tension in your muscles and boost those “feel-good” endorphins.
  • Ballroom dancing can be used as an outlet to convey your emotions or feelings! Angry? Add a little more passion and zest to that Tango basic!
  • When you are dancing you are listening to music, which can also be a wonderful tool to reduce stress! When you listen to music it changes your state of mind and you tend to forget about what is troubling you; you become immersed by the sounds of the music!
  • Ballroom dancing is a social activity that allows you to be surrounded by other people who are having fun! It’s nearly impossible to be upset when everyone around you is having fun and smiling!
Written by: K. Caron

Monday, August 15, 2011

Age Is Just A Number!

“Aging is not lost youth, but a new stage of opportunity.” Betty Friedan
Age is merely a number; a box to be checked off on a survey, something to be celebrated each passing year. Age, however, should never be a hindrance; something to be ashamed of. It should not be a restriction, or a reason why you don’t try new things! So why wait? Why not try the things you’ve always wanted to do?
Have you ever thought about ballroom dancing but felt as though you were too old? Or not as limber as you would like to be? STOP TALKING YOURSELF OUT OF IT! There are many benefits of ballroom dancing for those who are 50 and older! And here’s why:
  • Regular physical activity keeps your body healthy as you age.
  • Exercise increases the level of brain chemicals that encourages nerve cells to grow.
  • When you learn new dance steps and sequences you are actually boosting your brain power!
  • Believe it or not, people with Alzheimer’s disease have been able to recall forgotten memories when they dance to music they used to know.
  • Not sure of how much physical activity you can exert? Ballroom dancing is a wonderful physical activity for those who are 50 or older because you can easily vary the level of physical exertion. Dancing, after all, is how much you put into it!
  • Ballroom dancing is a wonderful way to socialize! You can make new friends and have fun while doing it!
  • If you are in good health, and your doctor has not restricted your physical activity, then kick up those heels!
Remember,”Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!” (Mark Twain)

Friday, August 12, 2011


Did you know that here at National Dance Clubs we are on the cutting edge of science? WE HAVE ACTUALLY CURED a very mysterious disease known as “Two Left Feet”. I don’t know if you have heard of it before, but it is quite debilitating. “Two Left Feet” has caused many hardships for many men and women on the dance floor, but National Dance Clubs is here to help! Our wonderfully trained team of experts have been transforming these individuals at a 100% success rate. 100 percent!

Do you suffer from this dreadful disease? Do you avoid weddings, dance functions, and clubs? Do you dance in front of your mirror but fear dancing socially? Please, don’t hesitate to call National Dance Clubs! We are here to help!

{Source: CartoonStock.com}
 written by: K. Caron

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Want a leaner, stronger midsection?

One of the dangers that many Americans face today is the overwhelming epidemic of obesity.  Weight gain is on the rise, and according to USA Today, many Americans simply carry too much weight in their midsection which can cause dangerous health problems! “People with wide girths are more likely to have large amounts of deep-hidden belly fat around their organs. It might be the most dangerous kind of fat and could increase a person’s risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.” Luckily, there are solutions to this epidemic. Robert Ross, an exercise physiologist at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, says that: “People with waists that wide need to reduce them immediately.”

So what should you do? Well for starters, diet and exercise! Although these two things sound easy, many Americans have a difficult time maintaining a healthy balance between the two. I hear it over and over again, “I get bored running on the treadmill”, “I don’t like going to the gym”, or “I need something that is fun and exciting”. My solution? Ballroom dancing! And here’s why:
  • Ballroom dancing encourages good posture and body alignment. This will help strengthen your bodies core abdominal muscles. Believe it or not, having a strong core can improve your performance in everyday activities and improve your health! When you have a strong core, you reduce the risk of back injury, developing heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
  • Ballroom dancing is a cardiovascular exercise that will get that heart pumping and will help you burn more calories! Did you know that depending on the step, ballroom dancing can burn anywhere from 250-400 calories an hour-about the same as a brisk half-hour walk on the treadmill! So if you are someone who hates the treadmill, get on that dance floor! You can burn calories while having FUN and blast away unwanted fat.
  • Exercise is about rewarding the body with endorphins. Endorphins, scientifically speaking, are neurotransmitters produced in the brain that reduce pain and give you that feeling of euphoria. In other words, they make you feel good! Ballroom dancing is a wonderful way to trigger those endorphins since ballroom dancing is indeed exercise!
  • NO MATTER HOW SLOW YOU GO-YOU ARE STILL LAPPING EVERYONE ON THE COUCH! Instead of watching re-runs on Netflix, get that booty on the dance floor!
MSNBC.COM: “Ballroom Dancing Puts the Swing in Exercise”
USATODAY.com: “Belly Full of Danger”
Ivillage.com: Endorphin 101: Your Guide to Natural Euphoria

Written by: K. Caron

Stay Connected!

Busy or on the go? Follow National Dance Clubs on all social media networking sites! We update these pages daily, and keep you informed with all that is going on at National Dance Clubs! Forget the dance of the week? Forget what time the group class is? LOOK NO FURTHER!

“Like” Us on Facebook! Follow this link:

Follow Us on Twitter:

Read our BLOG!

Any more questions, comments, or concerns? Please contact National Dance Clubs directly at (423) 710-3481!

 Written by: Kristina Caron

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

3 Elements of Becoming a Great Dancer

Are you interested in becoming a BETTER dancer? Are you interested in upping the ante? Here are 3 Key Elements that will lead you down that path:

1. Great Instruction: In order to be a great dancer, you need a qualified instructor who can teach you how to dance! National Dance Clubs has an array of wonderful, talented instructors who are eager to help you meet your goals and help you succeed!

2. Practice what you are learning: Some of our students will go as far as bringing a spiral notebook to their lesson so they can take notes after their lesson! Even if you can’t make it to the studio, take 15 minutes a day and practice the patterns that you have learned. We have all heard it before, “Practice makes perfect.”

3. Attend a Social Dance at least once a week: USA Dance, a member of the United States Olympic Committee states: “It is vital that you attend a social dance at least once a week and put into use the things that you have learned. Remember-”You use it or lose it.” Although our Friday Night Parties are a ton of fun, they are also designed to help you become a better dancer! We will see you Friday Night!

Written by: Kristina Caron

Shall We Dance?

We all know that there are many benefits to dancing, but did you know that there are many social benefits to ballroom dancing?

Ballroom dancing is a wonderful way to meet and make new friends in a low-pressure situation!  Ballroom dancers also share a wonderful sense of community since their friendships are formed due to a mutual bond and respect for the love of dancing. Many of our students have meet people that they otherwise wouldn’t have had the chance to meet just by learning how to dance with us! And you want to know the best part? You can meet your new friends as well as your old friends here at National Dance Clubs EVERY Friday Night! National Dance Clubs hosts a Friday Night Party at 8pm where we not only dance the night away, we serve food and refreshments as well!

Why not join a new community, make new friends, and heighten your sense of well being? Call National Dance Clubs Today!

{This could be you at National Dance Clubs: Some of our Lovely Students!}
Written by: Kristina Caron

Friday, August 5, 2011

"I've always wanted to do this"- Stop Making Excuses-JUST DANCE!

There is something magical about someone who wants to learn how to dance, and more often than not there is a wonderful story behind their nervous smiles and somewhat anxious body language. As the door swings open each week, I know that the person before me reveals much more than the simple desire to move elegantly across a grand ballroom. Behind their desire to learn how to dance lies a web of mystery and more often than not, self discovery and self revival.

Upon first glance, their anxiousness may appear to the unknown eye as hesitation and doubt, but this anxiousness is apart of their journey and that nervousness most certainly fades. Something magical happens on that dance floor and while I can't narrow it down to one particular thing, I am sure any dance student would agree. Which is why, I believe that you should stop making excuses, and JUST DANCE! 

A few days ago, a woman walked into the studio inquiring information about our school. Her eyes were merely glowing as she watched as our students and instructors moved across the floor. "I've always wanted to do this", she said as she nervously filed out the form that I handed her. "Well, what has stopped you", I replied. And although she thought for a few moments, she could not think of one good excuse. "I don't know, time?" She smiled. It was at that moment I looked her into the eyes and said "It's time to do something for you!" 

Now, I understand that some of you really ARE crunched for time with families, children, and of course careers. BUT, if you really WANT to dance, you should! A private lesson is a little under an hour and it allows you too not only exercise, but to escape for a few moments to do something you TRULY enjoy! So why wait?!

Call National Dance Clubs today, even if it is to just to TRY us out! We can't wait to meet you!

Written by: Kristina Caron

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Not Just For Women: 5 Reasons Men Should Get Up & DANCE!

I must admit, although I hear a lot of moaning and groaning from men about ballroom dancing, the moment they step onto the dance floor, their concerns seemingly fade. They actually begin to smile and believe it or not, they actually begin to have fun! Still can’t get your husband to dance with you? Here are 5 Reasons HE SHOULD!

1. Fitness:
Get off that couch! Ballroom dancing requires constant movement! Not only can you tone those muscles you can actually lose weight!

2. Entertainment:
Forget about trying to figure out where to go this Friday Night…National Dance Clubs can do it for you! Each and every Friday Night National Dance Clubs hosts a PARTY from 8-10 pm! These parties are typically themed (think 80′s Parties, Football Parties, Luau’s) and food and refreshments are served! Let’s face it, sitting at home on a Friday Night can be b-o-r-i-n-g!

3. Team Work:
Strengthen your partnership by learning how to dance together! Learning a new dance or pattern requires you to work together!

I am sure all women can agree, there is something extremely romantic about holding the person you love in your arms, especially when you can take her on the dance floor! Intimacy men, WOMEN ADORE IT! And she will LOVE you even more for actually taking the time to learn how to dance with her.

5. Variety:
Work. Gym. Diner. Couch. Work. Gym. Diner. Couch. Work. BALLROOM DANCE LESSON. Diner. Couch. Men, it’s time for some VARIETY!

Happy Anniversary NDC!

We are pleased to announce that August 1st is officially National Dance Clubs Day! On Monday August 1st, 2011 we celebrated a wonderful year in business by hosting our FIRST ribbon cutting with the support of the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce, our amazing student body, staff, friends and family! The ceremony was held at National Dance Clubs in East Ridge conveniently located on 3741 Ringgold Road in the presence of those who have made National Dance Clubs such a success. We enjoyed cake, refreshments, as well as some dancing! We look forward to many, many, more years here at National Dance Clubs!
To check out all the pictures from the event please follow the link!


Written by: Kristina Caron

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Dance of Love

Make a date; Re-energize your sense of Romance…

I am sure many women can agree that there is something magical about a man asking a woman to dance. Let’s face it, dinner and a movie, although a classic choice for date night, truly can get boring. Don’t you think that it is time to try something new and exciting? Why not try ballroom dancing! Believe it or not, ballroom dancing, or the “dance of love” can truly improve a relationship and can be a  rewarding experience that both partners can enjoy! Don’t believe me? Janet Carlson, author of “Quick Before The Music Stops: How Ballroom Saved My Life”, claims that their is an inevitable attraction that derives from a couple who is learning how to dance together. “Let’s face it, moving rhythmically to beautiful music together is a turn-on that is hard to resist. It’s hard not to enjoy the person who is right there helping you feel sexy, glamorous, and elegant.”

But why? Like a relationship, dancing involves three important entities that are crucial to a long-lasting, successful relationship: trust, respect, and of course a partnership. There is a balance of power and comfort that is established when a couple begins to learn how to dance. Carlson can agree! “One of the first things I learned from a dance coach was probably the most parallel between dance and love: Your job is to think about your partner’s comfort while you dance, and your partner’s job is to think about yours. The bottom line: consider your romantic partnership to be like that of a dance partnership; for a smooth, successful one, don’t step on each other’s toes, look out for your partner’s needs, and make sure he or she looks out for yours.”

Still need more convincing?

Ladies, I am sure you can agree that at times, we need to be in absolute control of a situation. After all, we are strong, self-sufficient, and of course independent. But guess what? When it comes to ballroom dancing, you must surrender to that need to be “in control” all the time. “I confess, being the kind of woman who’s mostly in charge, and self-sufficient, it’s kind of sexy to experience the man being in charge when it comes to dancing”, says Carlson. “It’s taught me to stop trying to do everything myself in a relationship.” Again, like dancing, a relationship is a partnership, responsibilities can be shared! Now, I don’t want to fool you, the man will not always be leading and the woman will not always be following, but surrendering to that initial need to be in control can be liberating. Learning how to ballroom dance together, can truly foster a loving, respectful, partnership off the dance floor.

We have all heard it before: It does indeed “Take two to tango”. 

Call National Dance Clubs Today to hear about the specials we offer new dance couples! Make a date-re-energize your sense of romance, and gentleman…just ask her to Dance already!

Written by: Kristina Caron

Source: Love Lessons From Ballroom Dancing by Chelsea Kaplan, msn.com

{source: pinterest/dancing}