"The hardest step in learning how to dance is the first one through the door."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why should you dance competitively?!

The idea alone, may frighten you, but there are many reasons why you SHOULD dance competitively! And believe it or not, you do not need to be a contender on “Dancing With the Stars” to succeed at a ballroom dance competition! It doesn’t matter if you are 9 or 65, a beginner or more experienced dancer, dancing competitively can be an extremely rewarding experience.

For many, a dance competition allows dancers to show and compare their skills with other dancers at their particular skill level. Like many aspects in life, dancing is not necessarily about QUANTITY, (meaning the number of patterns you know), but QUALITY, and the ability to dance a pattern uncommonly well. Even if you are dancing a simple Waltz basic, the judge will be critiquing you on how well you can dance that pattern. He or she will also be observing your posture, your frame, body alignment, timing, and presentation as you dance. In many aspects, ballroom dancing is a visual entity which allows its audience to become captivated. A simple, basic, pattern can become this very vision, if danced correctly and perfectly.
Objections? Concerns? We’ve heard them all…


Sure you probably are, but here are some quick facts about dancing at a ballroom dance competition:
Like I said before you do not have to be an expert dancer to compete. There are different levels in which you compete:
  • As an Amateur with an instructor (Pro-Am): This will allow you to become a better dancer faster! Dancing with a trained professional will not only increase your confidence, but he or she will help guide you through the dances and will encourage you to be the best that you can be.
  • As an Amateur with an Amateur Partner: Have a partner you love to dance with? Dance with them at a competition! Not only will it bring you closer, you can share the excitement of competing together!
Age, should never hinder from you competing! Dancers of all ages compete!

It doesn’t matter if you are 5 or 50, 60, 70, 80!

But what should I dance?
Here is a list of dances you can dance at a Ballroom Dance Competition:
International Style Standard
  • Waltz
  • Tango
  • Viennese Waltz
  • Foxtrot
  • Quick Step
Latin America
  • Cha Cha
  • Samba
  • Rumba
  • Paso Doble
  • Jive
American Style Standard
  • Waltz
  • Tango
  • Foxtrot
  • Viennese Walt
American Rhythm
  • Cha Cha
  • Rumba
  • East Coast
  • Bolero
  • Mambo
Let your instructor know as soon as possible! There are many competitions that he or she would love to tell you about! And just to let you know…the thrill of competing can take to glamorous and exotic places…Hollywood…Cancun…Hawaii…


Confidence- Walking into the studio after placing at a competition, will give you an air of confidence, and certainly some bragging rights!

Costumes- Ladies you can adorn yourself in beautiful ballroom dresses! But don’t forget the hair, the makeup, the jewelery! Who doesn’t like being the star of the show; the one in the spotlight?

Travel- Like I said before, the thrill of competing can take you to places you have never been before!

Written by: Kristina Caron

{source:pinterest/ballroom dancing}

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Guest Night at National Dance Clubs!

As you may already know, the best compliment that you can give to your teacher is recommending them to your friends, family and co-workers! Every Thursday Night we host a Guest Party for YOU and your GUEST!

Our guest parties ROCK! They are the best of our first impressions. How much more fun would you have if some of your friends could share in the excitement you get to experience each and every week?

Here is your opportunity! As you know we offer a "Get Acquainted" guest special for your friends that consists of the following:
•    One Fun Introductory Group Class- This starts them off, right at the beginning, with a few simple moves in a couple of dances.
•    A Newcomers' Dance Party- Your guests get a chance to review what they have learned with some of our awesome professionals, followed with a great dance demonstration.
•    A Private Lesson- Each guest gets a 1-hour private lesson scheduled at their convenience with one of our instructors.

The complete guest special is available to your friends for only $15. This may be paid by you or your guest.

For sharing the joys of dance with your friends, family, and co-workers  the club awards you our complimentary private lesson for each qualified guest that meets the simple requirements listed below. So, go ahead and share the magic! The best compliment you can give your teacher is to bring guests on Thursday Nights.

Qualified Guests: Are 21 years of age or older, live or work in the surrounding area, complete the guest special by taking their private lesson (couples count as once student. New students only.)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


We all know that dancing is a WONDERFUL way for people to stay in shape, but here are the TOP 4 reasons why! Dancing improves overall: flexibility, strength, endurance, and sense of well being.

1. FLEXIBILITY: Dancing requires a great amount of flexibility and dancers must strive to achieve full range of motion. The greater the range of motion, the more the muscles can flex and extend. Most forms of dancing require dancers to perform moves that require bending or stretching, which in turn increases your flexibility.

2. STRENGTH: Strength is defined as the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power. Believe it or not, ballroom dancing builds strength! Now ladies, I am sure that you can agree that men need quite a bit of muscle mass to lift us into the air, but don't forget about the muscle you put into it! Ballroom dancing helps tone and strengthen the muscles in your calves, thighs, and bum! It also helps strengthen the core muscles in the abdomen and the back!

3. ENDURANCE: Dancing is a physical exercise and physical exercise increases endurance! Regular dancing is great for improving endurance, especially ballroom dancing!

4. SENSE OF WELL BEING: We can all agree that dancing is a social activity. Studies have shown that strong social ties and socializing with friends contributes to a much more positive outlook and a great sense of self-esteem. Dancing also provides many opportunities to meet people. Each and Friday night we host a party from 8-10 pm, where you can not only practice what you learn in your lessons but you get the chance to meet our wonderful student body!!

 Here are some links to articles on livestrong.com regarding the MANY health benefits of Ballroom Dancing!

Ballroom Dancing and Weight Loss

Can Dancing Make you Smarter?

According to Richard Powers, an active contributor to the New England Journal of Medicine, it can! Not only does dance contribute to stress reduction and cognitive acuity, it can actually ward of Alzheimer Disease and other forms of dementia!

In this particular study, doctors investigated COGNITIVE activities such as:
Reading Books
Writing for pleasure
Doing Crossword puzzles
Playing Cards
and playing musical instruments

AS WELL as PHYSICAL activities including:
Playing tennis or golf
Swimming or bicycling
and housework

AND GUESS WHAT? "The only physical activity to offer protection against dementia was frequent dancing."

Defining the Risk in Numbers: Statistically Speaking
Reading- Reduced the risk of dementia by 35%

Bicycling or swimming- Reduced the risk by 0% 

Doing Crossword puzzles at least 4 days a week- Reduced the risk by 47%

Playing Golf- Reduced the risk by 0%

Dancing frequently- reduced the risk of dementia by an alarming 76%

But How?
Scientifically speaking, our brains constantly rewire its neural pathways as needed. "The cerebral cortex and hippocampus, which are critical to dancing, are remarkably plastic and they rewire themselves based upon their use. 
Now in language that is easier to understand: Intelligence is exactly this: YOU USE IT OR YOU LOSE IT.

When you learn a new dance pattern, your brain goes into hyper drive-diligently remembering the steps. The more you practice this pattern the MORE you use your brain, which inevitably lowers the risk of dementia! Again, USE IT OR LOSE IT! 

Any time that you learn something new, you are stimulating your mind, as well as those neural pathways.
According to Richard Powers, dancing integrates several brain functions at once-increasing your connectivity. Dancing simultaneously involves kinesthetic, rational, musical and emotional processes."

SO, what NOW? DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! It's not only good for your physical health and well being, it can ward off DEMENTIA and ALZHEIMERS DISEASE! 

{Source: http://socialdance.stanford.edu/syllabi/smarter.htm}
