"The hardest step in learning how to dance is the first one through the door."

Monday, May 16, 2011

This Week at National Dance Clubs!

Good Morning Students of National Dance Clubs!!

I want to start off this post by congratulating all of you who went to Murfreesboro! We are all very proud! Here are the WONDERFUL results from this weekend:

Britt & Cindy Henderson: 8 First Places

Greg Potter: 9 First Places
Diana Potter: 8 First Places

Debbie & Kevin Silvey: 5 First Places

Miss Roseanne Apyan: 36 First Places, 20 Second Places, 5 3rd Places, and won a $100 Scholarship!


The dance of the week this week is the Tango and our group classes are as follows:
Monday at 7pm: Bronze Tango
Tuesday at 7pm: Social Ease Tango
Friday at 7pm: Bronze & Social Ease Tango

The theme for this weeks party is: SUPERHERO! Now, I don't know about you, but when I was a little kid I used to tie a sheet around my neck and pretend that I was "Super Woman". I guess Friday Night is a chance for all of us to resort back to childhood and bring out our "inner" superhero! If you are stuck on ideas here are a few:

Batman & Robin
Power Rangers
Wonder Woman
Captain America
Iron Man
Lois Lane
Invisible Woman

Thursday Night is Guest Night as well as Destination Unknown at Midtown Music Hall! Guest Night starts at 7pm and your guest will enjoy a fun introductory group class, a newcomer's party, and a private one-on-one lesson with one of our instructors for $15!

Hopefully you all have a wonderful week and we will see you soon!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Learn to dance before the Wedding!

You have all seen. You have all done it at one time or another...the dreaded "Prom Hang."

You know the dance where you really don't know what to do, so you hang onto each other for dear life; the girl's arms around the guy's neck, his around her waist, her head on his chest or shoulder, and sway back and forth, and around and around...

Every woman wants to feel like a princess with her prince charming on her wedding day- not like the homecoming queen. And no girl wants to do the prom hang with her father! This is the moment when she is truly all grown up!

The men in the wedding don't have to be James Bond, but every man wants to be able to take the lead with confidence. Learning a few basics can go a long way to making your wedding as enjoyable for them as it is for the women.

So whether you want to choreograph some moves for your favorite song, or whether you just want to learn what to do with the different songs they will play at your reception, getting some lessons early on is the best thing you can do!

Call to set up your appointment today!

In the Spotlight: Bridal Party & Groomsmen

Dancing at your reception is a lovely way to bring an air of elegance and family togetherness to a wonderfully happy and joyous occasion.

Traditionally, although not all individually, the following people will dance together:
  • Bride and Groom
  • Father of the Bride & the Bride
  • Groom & the Bride's Mother
  • Groom's father & the Bride
  • Groom & Groom's Mother
  • Bride's Parents
  • Groom's Parents
  • Best Man & Bride
  • Maid/Matron of Honor & Groom

Finally, the entire wedding party, ushers, and bridesmaids join in the festivities! 

Special offer at National Dance Clubs!
The National Dance Clubs can arrange a Special Wedding Party, Group Class, or we can individually work with the wedding party or guests before the wedding!
Our Guest Special is only $15 per person or couple and entitles participants to one private lesson, one guest group class and one guest party! For all guests 21 or over that live or work in the Chattanooga area and take a private lesson with one of your instructors, you will receive a *BONUS* private lesson to help you learn the most important dance of your life!

CALL {423}-710-3481 

Monday, May 9, 2011

2nd Annual Southern Heat Competition!

We are proud to announce that many of our students will be competing in Murfreesboro, Tennessee for the 2nd Annual Southern Heat Competition! Come join us for a wonderful day of dancing and competing! Following the competition will be a wonderful show at "The Speak Easy!"